LG Travel

To travel is to come close

So close that you can smell, taste and feel
everything you want to know more about

Our current tours

I have made some diary entries from the trip which now, back in everyday life, have almost turned into a dream, a pleasurable one. You have done a brilliant job, Jörgen. I'm a little jealous of you for being so at home in so many places in Italy. I'm a little annoyed that you know more about history than I do. You are a great storyteller and you have offered so many varied experiences: AD 79, the Middle Ages, the 4th-5th centuries, food, rock climbing, caves, trulli houses, volcanoes, a boat trip, the Renaissance and views galore. We have learned a lot. We have gotten to know each other.

Thomas S
I slutet av december ledde Jörgen en grupp resenärer i Argentina. I huvudstaden Buenos Aires besökte vi bland annat Plaza de Mayo, Recoletakyrkogården med Evita Peróns grav, den färgglada stadsdelen La Boca och en tangoshow.
LG Travel

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